Press and media
See below for links to recent media on both the Māori in Governance Summit and He Tukutuku Koiora. For media enquiries, or requests to be included in future press release distributions, please email kiaora@tapuwaeroa.org
Māori in Governance Summit 2024 – Te Puoho Katene
I tēnei wiki i tū ko te kaupapa o ‘Māori in Governance Summit’ ki te Papa Tongarewa i Te Whanganui-a-tara he mea kōkiri e Tapuwae Roa, me te aha, i whai wāhi hoki ngā whānau [...]
Finding place for tikanga at board table
The organiser of a Māori in governance summit says Māori need to bring their full selves and whakapapa to the board table. Tapuwae Roa chief executive Te Pūoho Kātene says this week’s Amorangi summit drew [...]
Te Hui Taumata Kāwana Māori nā Tapuwae Roa – Bayden Barber
Nōnanahi timata ai te Hui Taumata Kawana Māori ki Te Papa Tongarewa, he kaupapa e whai ana kia whakamānawa i ngā kairahi Māori o te anamata. Ko tētahi o ngā kaikōrero ki te hui inanahi, [...]
Amorangi: Māori in Governance Summit
Following its successful online debut in 2022, Tapuwae Roa’s leading Māori in Governance Summit, Amorangi, held a hybrid event yesterday (Tues) with over 800 attendees participating both in-person and online.
Amorangi sees 800 attend
Hundreds are set to participate in Maori governance training in Wellington. Amorangi Summit is an opportunity for whanau Maori to learn in depth about governance and to hear firsthand from Iwi chairs on the impact [...]
Amorangi: Major Māori governance summit returns
After its inaugural online success in 2022, Tapuwae Roa’s Māori in Governance Summit is set to return in July 2024 as a hybrid event. Recently renamed as Amorangi, the one-day summit will be held in [...]
Nau mai ki te hui ‘Amorangi’ – Te Puoho Katene
Hai a Hurai ka tū ko te ‘Māori in Governance summit’ arā te huinga ‘Amorangi’ ki Te Whanaganui a tara he mea kōkiri e Tapuwae roa, i whai wāhi kōrero mātou ki te Kaihautū o [...]
Mā ngā ‘Amonuku’ e whakatō nei i ngā mātāpono māori ki ngā kamupene o te motu
Kua puta te karanga i ‘He tukutuku koiora’ kia whai I ētahi kamupene whakahaere I te rāngai e ahu mai nei I te kaupapa o ‘Amonuku’ mō te 18 marama te roa, e noho nei [...]
Governance course helps with Māori syndrome
Treaty settlement organisation Te Pūtea Whakatupu Trust has launched an associate directorship programme to give talented Māori professionals a fast track into governance roles. Te Aho Pihama, the head of Māori advisory at Kiwibank, is [...]
Programme to train next class of aspiring Māori directors begins
The first cohort of the recently formed Māori associate directorship programme, He Tukutuku Koiora, has been welcomed by Te Pūtea Whakatupu Trust. More than 100 candidates from different professional sectors applied to take part in [...]
Tomorrow’s Māori leaders are getting schooled up in governance roles and responsibilities
Te Pūtea Whakatupu Trust has welcomed the inaugural cohort for the newly launched Māori associate directorship programme, He Tukutuku Koiora. The programme saw more than 100 candidates apply from a vast range of professional sectors [...]
Contested Māori governance programme welcomes inaugural cohort
Te Pūtea Whakatupu Trust is pleased to welcome the inaugural cohort for newly launched Māori associate directorship programme, He Tukutuku Koiora. The highly anticipated programme saw over 100 candidates apply from a vast range of [...]
Trust to train tikanga board members
Te Pūtea Whakatupu Trust has launched a programme to get Māori professionals into governance roles. Chief executive Te Pūoho Kātene says there’s an increasing demand for tikanga-focused leadership, whether it’s in commercial enterprises or in [...]
Bringing tikanga to the board table: an indigenous approach to governance
Executive director of Te Pūtea Whakatupu, Te Pūoho Kātene (Ngāti Toa Rangatira, Ngāti Whātua, Ngāti Tama) says the term “Māori governance” refers to those who are entrusted with the leadership of organisations that carry a [...]
Symposium looks at tikanga-led governance
A trust set up as part of the Māori Fisheries Settlement to promote education, training and research wants to bring on a new generation of tikanga-led and future-focused leaders. Te Pūtea Whakatupu Trust executive director [...]