Teahooterangi Pihama

Ngāti Maru (Hauraki)

Teaho is a career banker with experience in retail and commercial financing. He has transitioned into a role that was established for him as a conduit between his career experience and cultural upbringing. Responsible for providing advice to senior leadership including board members, executives, government agencies, the broader finance sector and is tasked with developing and delivering on the organisations Rautaki Māori – Hoake Ki Uta.

Growing up in a household with two strong mothers and a diverse range of siblings has given a first-hand understanding of the strength of diversity, equity and inclusion.

A husband and father of three tamaiti who are third generation te reo Māori speakers and second generation kura kaupapa attendees. The handing down of intergenerational knowledge is of upmost importance.

Amonuku Placement

Te Mātāwai

Te Mātāwai is restoring Māori as a nurturing first language within Māori homes and communities. They are an independent entity, working in partnership with the Crown to lead Māori language revitalisation for iwi Māori as Kaitiaki of the Māori language. Te Mātāwai was established by Te Ture mō te Reo Māori (Māori Language Act 2016).